Things I want to remember and my goals!

* Meeting my friends !

When I found out I had to repeat 5 grade I thought I would have no friends .But when I went in the gym in the morning  before going up to class like every morning I was siting  in their and then  every one was saying hi and if i was a new kid. I told them  no i just failed 5 grade and they said oh. I meet one girl named Bren she was really cool and we started  hanging out  and she became my best friend at wight oak beside my friends from  cheer and softball .

* When i got my dog !

Well my  my dog Dottie had been pregnant  for a long time . when I was coming back that Sunday from my dads. I had rushed in to say hi to every one ,and my cousin came up to me and said Dottie was having her puppies  she had one already but it had died already.  So we called a vet so when  she had another  puppy it would not die, and finally we got a vet that we could take her to . Now angle is a year old and she is my dog.

*When I got to meet my step brother

Well me and him where so ready to get to get where we where meeting  it was a long drive so I was told by my mom and new step dad. Because I sleep the whole way there but they mad me wake up because they wanted me to see the trees because they were iced over.  Finally we got there but  my  brother wasn’t so we went in Macdonld’s to eat, and then we went to the park . We left the park because trees started to  breck  and finally they got there . Me and him stayed up the whole ride home we didn’t  really talk for a will but we finally  started talking.  And when he was down for Christmas my mom and his dad got maird so now i have a new step dad  step brother and 2 step sisters . We all wanted my brother to stay three weeks but his mom said no he could only stay two weeks but his mom said no so we had to take him back.

* My new year goal !

Well i would like to pass  5th grade and go to sixth grade and keep my grades up. I would  like  to stop  being so lazy  all the time .I would  like to learn  eneything  I can this year the for books i would like to read  are


* hunger games.

*non-fiction  hours  books.

*and a soft ball book.